
Monday, January 9, 2012

The Truth About Energy Drinks


Energy drinks are beverages that are specifically marketed to young people, with names like Red Bull, Venom, Monster, Adrenaline Rush, 180, ISO, and Sprint.  These drinks contain large doses of caffeine (as much as 80 mg), sugar and other legal stimulants like guarana and ginseng. When compared to the 37mg of caffeine in a Mountain Dew or the 23mg in a Coca-Cola Classic, it is clear that energy drinks pack a big punch.

There are also alcoholic energy drinks that are in the market that children are getting their hands on that look similar to the non alcoholic energy drinks. Examples of these dangerous drinks are Four Loko, Joose and Sparks. The marketing on the television and on the internet use fun or dramatic names, messages and colorful graphics that attract young people.

In the short-term, consumption of energy drinks can boost the heart rate and blood pressure (sometimes causing palpitations), dehydrate the body and, like other stimulants, prevent sleep. Energy drinks should not be used while exercising or to enhance athletic performance, as the combination of fluid loss from sweating and the diuretic quality of the caffeine can leave the user severely dehydrated. Additional health risks include increased anxiety, panic attacks, headaches, sleep deprivation, and stomach aches. (Martine Institute, 2007)

According to the NCAA Banned-Drug Classes, use of caffeine (guarana) is prohibited, as it is considered to be a stimulant.  Any individual with a urine concentration that exceeds 15 micrograms/ml is considered to be ‘positive’.  It is worthy to note that “the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not strictly regulate the supplement industry; therefore purity and safety of nutritional dietary supplements cannot be guaranteed.  Impure supplements may lead to a positive NCAA drug test”. 

Members of CTC are available if you have any questions or would like for us to do a presentation to your organization on this or any other substance abuse trends that affect our children.  Please call the Putnam County Youth Bureau at 845-808-1600 Ext. 46117 or the National Council on Alcoholism/Putnam at 845-225-4646, Ext. 13 if you have any questions. Please visit and join the Putnam CTC Coalition on Facebook by searching “Putnam County Communities That Care – NY” or on Twitter at!/PutnamCTCNY or call 845-225-4646.

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