
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

April is Teen Driver Safety Awareness Month

A message from the Putnam County Traffic Safety Board

As we know, from statistics and personal experience, the greatest danger to teens in Putnam County is the danger posed from traffic crashes. The leading cause of accidental deaths to teenage drivers, throughout the United States, is automobile accidents. Although teen drivers make up only 7% of the driving population, they comprise 18% of the injury related automobile crashes. Major reasons for the high rate of crashes among teen drivers include: driver inexperience, speeding, unnecessary risk taking, distracted driving and use of alcohol and drugs.

In Putnam County we have seen too many teen drivers get killed in automobile crashes. Many of these deaths happened during the spring and summer months, especially during prom season. The Putnam County Traffic Safety Board has identified this problem and made Teen Driver Safety our top priority. We are dedicating the month of April to Teen Driver Safety Awareness. The Putnam County Legislature and most of the Towns and Villages, within Putnam County, have made Proclamations declaring April as “Teen Driver Safety Awareness Month”.

On January 9, 2007 Brewster High School Students lost their classmate and good friend Christopher Caiazzo. Christopher was involved in a horrific car crash that took his life. Since April 23rd is Christopher’s birthday, we felt it appropriate to remember him by doing everything we can to keep other teen drivers safe.

The Putnam County Traffic Safety Board has teamed up with Putnam County law enforcement, and other partners including: Communities that Care and the National Council on Alcoholism and other Drug Dependents. Our team members plan on making this program an annual event in Putnam County that will include volunteer activities within all of our school districts, in the media and through many other civic and service organizations. We are planning to provide many educational and awareness programs through school assemblies, safety briefings, the use of public access television and through other youth programs.

So during the month of April please remember Christopher Caiazzo and the other teens that lost their lives to automobile crashes throughout Putnam County. Encourage your friends to drive safe, slow down, don’t use alcohol and drugs, and put down the cell phone while driving. Thank you!

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