
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Help Stop Marijuana Legalization Before It Starts!- Action Needed!

On November 6th, voters in Colorado and Washington State approved a ballot measure to legalize marijuana for recreational use by adults. Key Administration officials (e.g., the President, Vice President, U.S. Attorney General, etc.) have not yet made any public statements about what the federal response to these initiatives will be, given that they are clearly in violation of federal law.

It is imperative that key Administration officials and members of Congress hear loud and clear from coalitions across the country that the recently approved state ballot measures are illegal under federal law. Use CADCA’s CapWiz system to send letters to these key officials, urging them to swiftly and publicly declare the recently approved ballot measures illegal. Encourage others in your community to do the same.

Please act IMMEDIATELY. We need the Administration to step in and clearly state that these ballot measures are illegal under federal law as soon as possible.

CADCA’s fax system allows you to automatically fax CADCA’s sample letter on this issue to key Administration officials and your congressional delegation from CADCA's website.  To send faxes, go to

You can fill in your information and it will be faxed directly to your federal, state and local representatives.

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